Within the Geraldton Gold Camp and sandwiched between many past producing mines and a world class deposit

Founded 1935, by Newmont Mining and prospectors’ ‘Tom’ and ‘Bill’ Johnson, Tombill owns 4 claim groups, of which 3 are situated in the Geraldton gold district of north-central Ontario (about 225 km NE of Thunder Bay). Geraldton offers optimal and installed infrastructure. Holdings comprise 74 royalty-free mining claims (60 fully-owned patented claims, 5 leases, 9 mineral rights only). Of these, the 51-patented claim Main Group is in the centre of the Geraldton Gold Camp and straddles the Trans-Canada Highway; the 5-claim Ellis Group lies 4 km south of the town of Geraldton; and the original Tombill Mine group of 6-patented claims sits 10 km west-southwest of Geraldton. The Tombill Gold Mine produced 68,737 high-grade gold oz between 1938 and 1942 is in the southeast corner of the claim group. The Talmora Longlac Mine, within the Main Group, was built in 1941, but saw only minor production before closing in 1942 (1,406 gold oz). The Main Group borders on the property of the under-construction Greenstone Gold Mine, which will be one of Canada’s largest gold mines with production aimed for 2024.


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